Meavy - R5

I started by wandering around the village green at Meavy admiring the Oak trees, church and pub.  As well as the very old tree there is another younger specimen.

I then drove down to the river, which was a favourite place of mine as a child.  There are stepping stones across the river and if there is not too much water cars can drive through.  Alternatively there is a narrow bridge you can use.

As a child as well as playing in the river I remember having great fun in the woods.  A few years ago when I visited this spot I found the gate to the woods padlocked.  Today I saw a gap had been made between the wall and gate and a very clear path made along by the river.  It had been raining a lot recently so the path was rather wet and I did not have suitable shoes so I did  not go far, but I shall return to see where this path leads to.


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