Crazywell Pool - P7

A couple of  times I have walked from Burrator up to Crazywell Pool and then back via Leathertor Bridge.  The first time was September 2011.

After parking at Norsworthy Bridge  we took the path up at the side of the plantation.  It was a clear path, but stony  We gradually walked up hill and after some time we could look back over Burrator.

It was unfortunate that it was a cloudy day and the views were not that clear.  Once we had left the plantation gorse and heather was out at the side of the path bringing colour to the moor.

We turned off the path and walked up to Crazywell Pool, which also had gorse and heather growing around it.

It was then a short walk across to Crazywell Cross which was the furthest point of the walk

We then retraced our steps until a junction in the path which we took and headed downhill to Leathertor Bridge, which was a very pretty spot.

From there we walked down to the road and back to Norsworthy Bridge.


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