Fernworthy Reservoir and Forest (G 12, 13. 14 and H 12)

It was a lovely sunny day and when we arrived at Fernworthy we were blown away by the view.

We walked around the reservoir in an anti clockwise direction and not far from the car park we came across the ruins of a stone  house.

As we walked down to the dam there was lots of gorse in flower, which contrasted to the blue of the water and sky.

After we had crossed to the other side of the reservoir the path was not so good, but fortunately it had dried out enough to make it easy to walk along.  Soon we came to the kistvaen.

We continued to walk around the reservoir and when we came to the end of the road we turned up to the Forest.  We walked up the hill, looking for different pine cones.  I found two different ones.

We walked up to where there was a path leading to a stone row and circle.  The circle was very clear.

We then walked back to the edge of the forest and continued to walk around the reservoir.  With all the rain we have had lately there was no chance we would see the drowned bridge but the view was beautiful.

On our way home we drove through Jurston and stopped at Lower Jurston Farm.  The farm house was very attractive, but the barns had been left to go to ruin.  I could not photograph them properly as I would have had o go in the farm yard.


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