Lustleigh Cleave (I19)

We parked the car at Water and followed the bridle path down to the River Bovey.  At times a stream ran down the path and it was quite steep and stoney, so not a very easy walk.  We crossed the river at the Clam Bridge, chosing to go across the new bridge rather than the old one!

We then climbed steadily up through the woods till we reached Heaven's Gate, where the bluebells were looking magnificent.  On the other side of the gate we saw an orchid.

 After stopping for lunch we headed down the cleave towards Foxworthy Bridge.  The path went up and down a lot.  We reached the river at Horsham Steps.  We looked to see if we could cross the river there, but the boulders looked too large for us so we walked on to Foxworthy Bridge.

After we had crossed the bridge we walked up the road until we came to Neadon Cleave.  We walked through the woods there and were delighted with the bluebells all around us.

When we reached the path leading from Horsham Steps it was a very steep upward climb, but the path was better than the path we took to come down, and it was dry.  Eventually we got back to Water and refreshment in Kestor Inn.


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